The Ultimate Stress Management Formula
It is like a swimming pool where the water is simply too cold. Dive in and experience the three stages of stress. As your body cuts into the shimmering clear water, the sudden shock almost takes your breath away. But if you are courageous enough to stay in for a few moments the water seems warmer; you call to your friends on the deck to join you, “Come in, the water’s fine.” Has the water warmed up? No, you have simply adapted to the frigid water and while you are unaware of it, your body is working hard at many levels to keep you both warm and alive.
But stay in that water for an hour and you start to shiver and it isn’t long before you pull yourself out of the water and dry off in the sun; because you have moved into a third, uncomfortable and final stage; and if you stay in the pool for another eight or nine hours you will die of hypothermia. The human body can not stand that cold for that long. These too are the three stages you go through as stress enters your life.
Your interest in this book tells me you are past the first. But you are adapting, you might even think you are coping, but
danger lurks. For at some point in your life, and probably sooner rather than later, you may move into the third stage and that is when your health becomes affected by stress and that is when your relationships become affected by stress and that is when life becomes the tragedy and not the comedy.